Detailed Setup Instructions

In Depth Testing

Once you have added your desired information into HostBuddy's knowledge base, the next step is to test and refine HostBuddy. This is a great time to make sure it can answer your common guest questions according to your preferences. This can be done by navigating to the Properties page and selecting the Test Property button next to your completed listing.

The Test Property section allows you to refine HostBuddy while testing, ensuring your edits to the information are applied correctly. In this section, you'll see an analysis of the message HostBuddy responds with, helping you understand the source of the response. You can also add and edit details within HostBuddy's knowledge base and adjust your conversation preferences. This ensures the answers align with your expectations.

Test Property Page Breakdown:

Chatbot Playground

The chatbot playground is essentially a sandbox where you can ask questions commonly posed by your guests at your property to HostBuddy. It uses the data within the property profile you are testing to provide responses similar to those it would give to a live guest staying at your property. This is a great place to ask questions about troubleshooting and common queries for your property. You can also change the reservation phase at the top, allowing you to test the confidentiality of certain fields and ensure the information communicates to the right guest at the right time, based on your preferences.

We recommend using some of our test questions to ensure HostBuddy can handle important queries. You can find a list of these questions here: HostBuddy Test Questions.

Conversation Analysis

HostBuddy analyzes its responses to your questions. Each time it replies, it includes an explanation of its information sources. If there are multiple sources, it clarifies why it communicated details in a certain way. This helps you update the property profile if any information is incorrect or incomplete.

Quick Add To Knowledge Base

The Quick Add to Knowledge Base section allows you to create new categories in your property profile for adding extra information. This is helpful when testing questions with HostBuddy and you can't find a suitable field within the property profile to add updates. You can create a new field by using this functionality, including a descriptive heading and a body that explains the missing property details.

Pro Tip!

You can copy 'Quick Add' items to multiple properties at once. This is great for SOP's, shared informational items at multiple properties, and for bulk updating!

Edit Property Profile

The edit property profile section lets you return to the initial property setup sections. Here, you can access each property profile field and make quick changes. If, during testing with HostBuddy, you find incorrect information, you can easily make necessary adjustments.

Manage Knowledge Base Sources

The Managed Knowledge Base Sources section lets you manage which data sources HostBuddy is using while responding. For example, you can decide to stop using past conversations or a specific document you've uploaded. This helps you see how HostBuddy uses other information to handle your queries. It enables on-the-fly navigation through different data sources to ensure they are current and accurate.

Conversation Preferences

The Conversation Preferences on the testing page let you easily access your conversation settings to make adjustments. You can see how HostBuddy changes its replies based on your choices. This includes settings like defer behavior, direct contacts, use of signature, conversation closing preferences, AI transparency, message delays, and tone customization. It's an excellent place to test these settings and see how HostBuddy manages different scenarios with the preferences you've set.

Conversation Preferences

Visit the Conversation Preferences page for more details on messaging settings.