Detailed Setup Instructions

Subscribe Step by Step

Subscribing to HostBuddy AI

You can begin the subscription process by navigating to the properties page and clicking “Subscribe”. Once you have subscribed you will officially begin your two week trial and have the ability to schedule and respond with HostBuddy.

Enter the number of properties you want to manage in the Choose How Many Properties To Add textbox..

Select Subscription Plan

Select a subscription plan from the Select Plan dropdown. See Pricing Plans for information on our different subscriptions available.

Click Subscribe Now.

In the New Property Addition Confirmation modal, click Confirm to proceed to the payment portal. Please review our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before confirming.

Enter Payment Details

Select your preferred payment method from the Payment Method dropdown.

Enter your payment information. You may add a promotion code if you have one. You also have the option to pay with Link.

Click Start Trial.

After subscribing, click Unlock All Properties to activate HostBuddy for all your listed properties.

You can also unlock individual properties if needed.

You are now ready to start using HostBuddy AI's automated guest communication and AI features to improve your hosting experience and your guests' stays. Review our other documentation for instructions on scheduling HostBuddy, using the messaging inbox, creating smart templates, managing upsells, and setting up your account for success.